Horse Stall Fans

Good air quality and flow are essential in horse stalls. A top-notch fan system creates optimal airflow, which has several benefits for the health and comfort of your horses – and the humans working or riding at the barn!

Fans can also help minimize insects pestering your horses and lessen the onset of symptoms and other ailments.

Let’s look at the benefits and best types of fans horse stalls in more detail.

The Benefits of Horse Stall Fans


Several horse illnesses can be linked to poor airflow. Respiratory problems such as ROH, heaves, and others can be caused or exacerbated by stagnant air. A still atmosphere traps dust particles, pollen, and dander, which all impact respiratory health. 

Ammonia from your horse’s excretions and a high quantity of mold spores are also harmful to respiratory wellbeing. Fans will help promote good airflow in the barn. This helps to prevent the development of mold and the hanging around of these unpleasant and harmful fumes. 

In places like Thailand, South Africa, and other African countries where African Horse Sickness (AHS) is a serious concern, fans bring plenty of airflow and flush AHS causing insects out of the stalls.


Another key reason to put in horse stall fans is to keep the area cooler in hot climates. With an effective cooling system, the temperature can drop by as much as 15 degrees. Horses prefer and respond better to cooler temperatures. So, they are likely to keep weight on and be more tractable due to their being more comfortable. 

Best Fan Designs for Horses

The type of system you choose is important. Horse stall fans should have sealed motors that stop dust and other particles from getting into them, as this can cause a fire. 

It’s also best to select relatively soundless models, so your horses won’t have the extra noise pollution. 

Some Final Thoughts

As you can see, horse stall fans can help with various health and comfort concerns. The right system can make all the difference to the airflow, noise levels, and temperature. So, be sure to research and choose your horse stall fans with care - they could mean the difference between a healthy and hindered horse!