Rubber Pavers for Horse Stalls
/While often overlooked, the flooring of your barn is an extremely important detail. Rubber pavers provide a functional and affordable way to give your space the upgrade it deserves.
Here are four benefits you can get from flooring your horse's stall.
1. Enhances Property Value
Pavers are a great way to increase the value of your property. Where relevant, they can be a nice aesthetic element that enhances the space and provides a more polished look to your stable. Having them installed appeals to other equine riders.
2. Reduces Unhealthy Dust Levels
Unwanted dust can lead to irritation and allergy symptoms in both the eyes and nasal passages, which makes protecting your horse from it essential when possible. Avoiding it all together is impossible, but limiting the presence of dust in the stalls is a great way to start.
The rubber pavers are designed to interlock, which restricts the distance between each tile and restricts the amount of dust able to seep through.
3. Non-Slip Surface
The non-slip surface protects you and your horse from slipping and getting hurt. From a fall, someone can experience anything from bruises to a head or brain injury. Within the stables, you can take precautions against this by installing flooring, which gives hooves and shoes a strong foundation to latch onto.
Rubber pavers are an excellent material that prevents unnecessary injuries.
4. Waterproof and Water Permeable
After a rainy day, your terrain becomes unruly and dangerous. Whether from mud or sleek pavement, wet surfaces pose a risk of injury. The rubber pavers design is waterproof and allows water to seep through the material and cracks without leaving behind dangerous ground for your horse.
Consider These Improvements for Your Property
If these benefits interest you, don't hesitate to invest in rubber pavers. You'll enjoy them, and your horse will too.